Hart Heritage Assisted Living Communities

1915 Rock Spring Rd Forest Hill, MD 21050
3708 Grier Nursery Rd Street, MD 21154

1915 Rock Spring Road
Forest Hill, MD 21050

3708 Grier Nursery Road
Street, MD 21154

Hart Heritage Communities

Bel Air Community
1915 Rock Spring Rd
Forest Hill, MD 21050

Street Community
3708 Grier Nursery Rd
Street, MD 21154

Nutrition & Dining

Well-planned, nutritious assisted living meals and snacks are provided each day as part of the Hart Heritage Estates experience.

Pleasing our residents at Hart Heritage Estates Assisted Living with meals and snacks is one of our dedicated tasks. Our cooks and kitchen staff work together each week to plan a nutritious and delicious dining experience. Whether it’s pancakes and eggs at breakfast, snacks, and beverages provided as needed 24/7, tasty and nutritious lunches, or our favorites, turkey dinner or seafood alfredo at dinnertime, each meal is planned weekly based on nutritional value and our resident’s likes and dislikes.

Special meals are altered for those with special diets. All meals and desserts are homemade here at Hart Heritage Estates for our residents. Whether it’s our delicious pineapple upside-down cake or choices of ice cream, we aim to please everyone, knowing mealtime is everyone’s favorite part of the day. Call one of our locations today or contact us through our website if you have questions or concerns regarding our dining options.

Special Needs Diets for Seniors

At Hart Heritage Estates Assisted Living, our cooking staff works with the dining staff to provide healthy and delicious senior care meals for our residents who have special diets and needs. Whether it be low-fat, low-sodium, gluten-free, or any other special dietary need, our expert kitchen staff can prepare it.

Presbyterian Home Of Maryland & Hart Heritage Estates Harford County Assisted Living in Harford County, MD, caters to seniors with special needs diets that include, but are not limited to:

  • Low-fat diets
  • Low salt / low sodium diets
  • Diabetic diets
  • Pureed diets
  • Thickened liquids
  • Allergen-free diets (lactose intolerant, nut-free, etc.)

Discuss The Special Needs Diet Availability For You!

Call us at one of our locations today or contact us to discuss the available special needs diet.

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